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Annual Council Meeting – 23rd May 2022

1) Election of Chair.
a) To elect the Chairman for the forthcoming year
b) The Chairman to sign the Declaration of Office Form
2) Election of Vice Chairman
a) To elect the Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year
3) To note apologies for absence
4) To receive any Declarations of Interest from Councillors relating to items on the Agenda – Members to declare any interests, including Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any prior requests from members for dispensations that accord with the Localism Act 2011 s33(b-e). (NB this does not preclude any later declarations)
5) To receive reports from District and County Councillors and MOD Station Admin Manager
6) To receive matters raised by members of the public
7) To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2024
8) Governance
a) To agree the review of the Standing Orders
b) To agree the review of the Financial Regulations
c) To receive the Internal Audit report
d) To complete section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
e) To complete section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
f) To approve the redaction of signatures on the AGAR and other documents on the website.
g) To note the period for the exercise of public rights will run from 6th June 2024 – 17th July 2024
h) General Power of Competence
i) To agree that the Parish Council meets the criteria
ii) To agree to adopt the General Power of Competence
i) To consider the structure of meetings going forward.
9) Finance and Administrative Matters
a) To agree the insurance renewal.
b) To agree the purchase of a mobile phone or phone contract for the Parish Council.
c) To agree the purchase of a printer.
d) To agree to engage a Payroll Provider.
e) To agree the hire of the former Police Office for file storage.
f) To agree the list of payments
g) To note the list of receipts
10) To review and note Communications received and to consider any responses if required
11) To note matters raised by members of the Council and Clerk.
12) Date of next meeting:
To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, which is scheduled for 7.30 p.m. on Monday 8th July 2024 at Shippon Church Hall.

Minutes of St Helen Without Parish Council Meeting
held on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7.30 p.m. at Shippon Church Hall

Present: Cllr. M. Page (Chair), Cllr R. Bahu, Cllr N. Benchiba-Savenius, Cllr D. Churchouse, Cllr M. Littleboy, Cllr C. Parkin, Cllr M Rusby, Cllr S Rusby
Absent: None

Also in attendance: W Bates (Clerk),

1. Election of Chair.
a. To elect the Chair for the forthcoming year – Cllr Page was elected unanimously
b. The Chair to sign the Declaration of Office Form – the Chair signed the Declaration of Office book..
2. Election of Vice Chair
a. To elect the Vice Chair for the forthcoming year – Cllr Churchhouse was elected unanimously.
3. To note apologies for absence – None
4. To receive any Declarations of Interest from Councilors relating to items on the Agenda – none
5. To receive reports from District and County Councilors and MOD Station Admin Manager –The Council expressed its sadness at the resignation of Cllr Webber.
a. Cllr R Clegg – Garden Waste collection changes: licence sticker will have the property address on it to avoid the risk of theft. Motorsport noise on 15th March were compliant. These noise levels will continued to be monitored. Incident in Marcham where nails were glued onto the play equipment.
b. The Airshow has been postponed due to a technical issue.
6. To receive matters raised by members of the public – none

7. To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2024 – the minutes were approved and signed.

8. Governance
a. To agree the review of the Standing Orders
i. To agree the review of the Financial Regulations – 5.12 to be amended to read “specialist services, for example are provided by legal professionals, accountants, surveyors and planning consultant” was discussed and voted on six members in favour, one member against and one abstention.
b. To receive the Internal Audit report – as the Internal Audit was not available, items b-f were postponed; to be held at an extraordinary meeting.
c. To complete section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
d. To complete section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
e. To approve the redaction of signatures on the AGAR and other documents on the website.
f. To note the period for the exercise of public rights will run from 6th June 2024 – 17th July 2024
g. General Power of Competence
g.i. To agree that the Parish Council meets the criteria -it was confirmed that the criteria of two thirds of elected members and a qualified Clerk (CiLCA) were met.
g.ii. To agree to adopt the General Power of Competence – it was resolved to adopt the General Power of Competence.
h. To consider the structure of meetings going forward – it was agreed to delay this item till the next normal meeting.
9. Finance and Administrative Matters
a. To agree the insurance renewal – it was agreed to renew the insurance with the existing provider.
b. To agree the purchase of a mobile phone or phone contract for the Parish Council – it was agreed to provide a mobile phone to the Clerk.
c. To agree the purchase of a printer – it was agreed to reschedule this item for a future agenda.
d. To agree to engage a Payroll Provider – it was agreed to appoint Tetbury to run the payroll.
e. To agree the hire of the former Police Office for file storage – it was agreed to accept the hire of the Police Office at £30 per month.
f. To agree the list of payments
Ref no Details Payment Total Method
823 Void £ – corrected from Mar-24
824 OALC/Membership £ 391.64 corrected from Mar-24
825 R Bahu/No Drones Signs £ 8.00 corrected from Mar-24
826 W Bates Cover Clerk services £ 283.85 corrected from Mar-24
827 W Bates Cover Clerk services £ 63.25 corrected from Mar-24
828 Transfer to Unity £ 30,000.00 corrected from Mar-24
829 MRH Services/SID Sign moving £ 148.00 chq
830 MRH Services/ Sign installation £ 78.22 chq
831 MRH Services/ Rec Maintenance £ 122.00 chq
832 Snob & Lock/Keys £ 10.00 chq
833 Timpson/Keys £ 15.00 chq
834 Shield Maintenance Ltd/Bin Emptying £ 46.80 chq
835 Ringrose/Tree Cutting Rec £ 420.00 chq
836 MRH Services/bench installation £ 105.00 chq
837 Shield Maintenance Ltd/Bin Emptying £ 46.80 chq
838 Shield Maintenance Ltd/Bin Emptying £ 46.80 chq
g. To note the list of receipts
Receipt Date Details Amount
29/12/2023 Interest £ 80.44
09/02/2024 Grants & Donations Received £ 500.00
29/02/2024 Interest £ 80.64
28/03/2024 Interest £ 76.59
10. To review and note Communications received and to consider any responses if required
11. To note matters raised by members of the Council and Clerk.
Items Brought forward from the Committees Agenda:
a. To receive an update on progress in respect of Joint Local Plan 2041 – no update
b. To receive an update on the Neighborhood Plan – no update
c. To receive an update on the Defense Infrastructure Organization master planning process for Dalton Barracks (to be held “in camera”) – Cllr Bahu gave a summary of the meeting with the Defense Infrastructure Organisation and made mention of the Neighbourhood Plan and how this links to the Joint Local Plan 2031.
d. To agree to employ the services of Nigel McGurk to provide initial advice on the Dalton Barrack proposals at a budget of up to £2000 – it was agreed unanimously that Nigel McGurk would be requested to provide initial advice at £2000.00
e. To agree to employ the services of Create Streets to produce report for the guidance of Councillors in the master planning process at £2400 – this was postponed to a later meeting.
12. Date of next meeting:
To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting, which is scheduled for 7.30 p.m. on Monday 8th July 2024 at Cothill School (TBC).

The meeting closed at: 20:47


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